Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Extra income

$110 in unexpected extra income for April was a nice bonus/surprise. I did some last-minute babysitting (for the first time in forever) and some yard work for an older couple.

It all went to my credit card - probably putting my balance just under $400. Yesss!!

I hope to be able to scrounge up at least as much extra income in May - I'll shoot for $150. Here's hoping!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm here...

Sigh. The job search process is a long one these days. Mine has just begun. At some yet-to-be determined point this summer I will be unemployed. I feel as though I shouldn’t search for jobs on the clock at my current job, which leaves me limited time in which to search, but at the same time, I consider myself lucky to still have a job in this environment.

Applied for two jobs today, one in my field and one related to volunteer work I have done in the past. I’m less hopeful about that one – except for the fact that it was a new posting on a job board.

In other news, I hope to get back to running (yes, I’ve fallen off the wagon already) and blogging. Consider this post my first attempt.

And although I have yet to work the numbers out exactly, I believe I am down to about $500 in debt. Woohoo for one of my goals to be on track!

Thanks for reading. I promise you happier musings tomorrow.