Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Slightly random Tuesday musings

1. Week 3 of couch-to-5k. It’s going well so far. I mentioned before that I would consider myself to be a better runner (not at all a good one!) at the start of this program than are most participants. I feel week 3 is the first big leap up in level of difficulty.
2. I’m still undecided on whether or not I like my new running shoes. I plan on seeking out and investing in some inserts for them soon.
3. Two days from now my debt will be down to three digits! I am very, very excited about this.
4. Easter candy is far too tempting to be out in stores for so long. I remember seeing it out alongside the Valentine’s Day goodies!
5. Maybe if I was a better cook, I wouldn’t have such a desire to eat candy so often!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Payday Progress

(A bit late; just got back from a work conference.)

Remaining debt: $1210 (aargh.)
Checking: $110.00
Savings: $25.00

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Couch to 5k: Day 1

I have finally decided to try the program that everyone has been raving about for so long. It calls for three sessions/week (fits in perfectly with my desire to work out 4 times per week) that last 20-30 minutes each.

Now, let me say that I am NOT a runner. It is something I have never been good at, although I have played sports virtually my entire life. However, I need to also say that I am not quite a ‘couch’ person either. I probably spend, on average, two to three hours per week at the gym.

So my initial impression of the program is two-fold. First of all, I am in better shape than the average beginner, and so these first few weeks are not going to be much of a challenge for me. That said, I loved being on a treadmill for 20 minutes and having something to follow along with. My usual habit is to jump on the treadmill and run until I can’t any longer – which, I promise you, was never 20 minutes. I may or may not jump ahead a few weeks to something that pushes me further…weeks 3 or 4.

Dear Diary...

Fitness goals – lose 5lbs by end of March
-write down everything I eat
-smaller dinners
-exercise 4x/week (I’m upping this from earlier; I really enjoy exercise once I get started on it)
-no soda or juices from concentrate

Reading goals – finish two books by the end of March
-read 1hr/day
(not a goal, but pick a fiction and non-fic book for April)

Finance goals-
-start up a savings account for money down for a new car and begin automating payments
-reduce CC debt to 3 digits ($250 towards debt on 3/12 and 3/26)
-replenish emergency fund to $500 by May

I’m a big believer in small rewards – at least for myself- because I know that I can keep them as ‘rewards’ and that I respond well to them. Here are my little rewards for accomplishing the month’s goals

Fitness reward-

Reading reward- a new book. I love books and bookstores and haven’t bought a book of my own in forever!

Finance reward – spending a $25 iTunes giftcard that I received for Christmas.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

No-spend days have proven themselves to be very difficult. I fear that is one goal I will not achieve this month. I am working about getting better at it, but there is something about my office culture (or maybe me) that makes it difficult to say no to the coffee/lunch/afternoon break that everyone else takes at the café.

Working out has been going much better. I have already been to the gym twice this week for fairly intense (for me) cardio workouts. I can already tell a difference in my stress level and in how well I am sleeping. Something else that has been motivating me is the fact that I stepped on a scale for the first time in months over this weekend. Ouch. There is nothing like those black and white numbers staring you in the face! I have gained about seven pounds of stress weight since the New Year. I also caved in and purchased a new pair of running shoes over the weekend. For $50 they aren’t the best pair but they should last me at least through the summer.